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[<] Car valuation trends for Saab 9-3 (mk1) in Netherlands

Saab 9-3 (mk1)
  • Production start : 1998
  • Production end : 2002
  • Evolution : mk1
  • Last crawl : 14/07/2024
  • Excluded keywords : cabriolet
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Ads price1
4 278€
Auctions price2
-- ---€

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Car valuation evolution Saab 9-3 (mk1) (1998 - 2002) in Netherlands : receive an email each time new data is published..

Car valuation evolution in classified ads in Netherlands


Datas with

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Car valuation trends

5 years
+ 81.9%
(2 352€)
4 years
+ 94.2%
(2 203€)
3 years
+ 52.6%
(2 804€)
2 years
+ 39.6%
(3 064€)
1 year
+ 65%
(2 592€)
6 months
+ 20.4%
(3 553€)
3 months
+ 19%
(3 594€)

Difference between higher and lower prices : 440%

High score means many different models, wich some are more interesting. Average score for all cars : 228%

Rarity (bêta)

pixel vide pixel vide pixel vide pixel vide pixel vide 5/5 - Very popular

Auctions :

Détails Auction date Location Price
Saab 9-3 Viggen Convertible (2000) 10/2021 USA 22 403€

Car valuation trends in other countries

Discover the car valuation for Saab 9-3 (mk1) in the other european countries !

Other models Saab :

4 412 €
photo Saab 9-3 cabriolet  (mk1)
1998 - 2002
7 823 €
photo Saab 9-3  (mk2)
2002 - 2011
10 471 €
photo Saab 9-3 cabriolet  (mk2)
2002 - 2011
5 906 €
photo Saab 9-3 Sport-Hatch  (mk2)
2005 - 2011
5 384 €
photo Saab 9-5 (1)
1997 - 2010
3 064 €
photo Saab 900 (2)
1994 - 1998
1 451 €
photo Saab 900 coupé (2)
1994 - 1998
3 085 €
photo Saab 900 cabriolet (2)
1994 - 1998
7 936 €
photo Saab 9-7X
2005 - 2009
15 804 €
photo Saab 9-5 (2)
2009 - 2012
> Toutes les Saab

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1 Average price found on classified ads on internet for this car.
2 Average price of last auction for this car.