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[<] Car valuation trends for Hyundai Kona EV 39kWh (mk1 - phase 1) in Portugal

Hyundai Kona EV 39kWh (mk1 - phase 1)
  • Production start : 2017
  • Production end : 2020
  • Evolution : mk1 - phase1
  • Last crawl : 29/06/2024
  • Excluded keywords : hybride hybrid
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-- ---€
Auctions price2
-- ---€

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Car valuation evolution Hyundai Kona EV 39kWh (mk1 - phase 1) (2017 - 2020) in Portugal : receive an email each time new data is published..

Car valuation evolution in classified ads in Portugal

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1 Average price found on classified ads on internet for this car.
2 Average price of last auction for this car.